In-wall Recessed TV Installation and How to Hide TV Wires
Following real demands of our clients and customers we at AVEL keep developing in-wall TV series dedicated not only for Bathrooms but also for Living rooms and Bedrooms.
The greatest and unique benefit of our In-Wall series is completely recessed installation. All you have after the setup is done – is a plain glass or mirror on the wall. No wires, no gaps to gather dust.
Though installation of AVEL TV is not as simple at the first glance, but when we consider it more thorough and think about cables, wall mount and hiding the cables – there is no big difference indeed. But the result with our TV will be much more inspiring.
So, let’s have a look at the installation procedure Step-by-Step, it’s described well in our installation guide too.
1. There is a back box supplied with each TV and it needs to be assembled first according to the guide.
2. When the back box is done recess size and position on the wall can be determined exactly. We also provide recess dimensions in our specifications but it’s easier usually to follow the real sizes on site. So now we can take the assembled back box and mark the recess on the wall as shown below:
3. After the recess is done, TV cables shall be prepared and wired inside the wall and the back box is to be fixed by dowels, screws or other fixtures according to the wall’s composition. It’s important to fix the back box well on the side and on the back and to keep it flat without any twisting or bending:
4. Now the back box is fixed, and we can connect the cables and install the TV itself. I/O ports of AVEL in-wall TVs are protected by a waterproof cover. If the TV is to be installed in a bathroom, pool or other area with high humidity and water can be splashed on the TV it’s required to fit the cover well after the cables are connected and we also suggest applying silicone sealant additionally not to let water get into the recess. But if the TV is being installed in a Bedroom or Living room – no silicone needed, and back cover can be dismantled too.
TV is fixed well and can be dismantled for cable changes or service if needed. And it’s completely flush mounted without any gap. Looks great and works great, enjoy Your AVEL TV!
How else can you hide the TV, read our previous article.